International Journal of Operational Research and Networking (IJORN)

Explore the latest research and advancements in operational research.

Editorial Team

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. [Name]


  • Prof Dr. Sunity Shrestha, T.U. Nepal
  • Prof Dr. Shankar Pd. Khanal, T.U.
  • Prof. Dr. Tanka Nalk Dhamala, T.U.
  • Prof Dr. Hans Kellerer, University of Graz, Austria
  • Prof Dr. Yuri N. Sotskev, United Institute of Informatics Problems
  • Prof. Dr. Matthias Ehrgott, Lancaster University, UK
  • Dr. Govind Tamang, SOM, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
  • Dr. Bijay Lal Pradhan, Tribhuvan University, Nepal

About the Journal

The International Journal of Operational Research Nepal (IJORN) is the official journal published by Operational Research Society of Nepal (ORSN). This journal will be addressing the theoretical framework, models, computational studies and conceptual development of operations research together with current developments and practices. Hence, this journal aims to create a common platform for promoting the models, methods, applicability of operational research and constructive recommendations on optimizing the available resources. IJORN welcomes articles and issues of current interest in various disciplines of operational research including theory and practices where the applicability can be explicitly materialized. The journal publishes full-length research articles, surveys, expository reports and short notes in the related fields. The fields include continuous optimization, discrete optimization, scheduling theory and algorithms, project management, multi-criterion decision analysis, production and transportation, manufacturing and logistics, probabilistic and stochastic processes, game theory, queuing theory, inventory, neural-network, simulation, and others. It also incorporates the articles in the broader area of Statistics, Applied Statistics, statistical Modeling, new methods in Statistics, Mathematics and mathematical modeling.